As part of our initial £300k+ investment in TimberStruc, we have now placed orders on all of the key items of machinery required to allow us to offer quality products at competitive prices.
We made the decision early on in our business planning to ensure we have the best infrastructure available to us in place from day one, our initial investment in brand new machinery underpins our entry and commitment to the engineered wood products market.
Our Randek SPL 728 is a high-quality crosscut saw which will enable us to deliver exact and precise cutting results for our Metal Web, Roof Truss and Timber Frame product offerings.
The Birch Roof Truss Table in conjunction with a state-of-the-art Birch Twin Head Press gives us the flexibility we need to manufacture a wide range of different Roof Truss profiles efficiently whilst maintaining high levels of quality.
The Birch Uni-Roll 750 Open Web Beam Roller Machine offers fast and efficient cycle times and by design will aid us in producing consistent and precise high-quality metal web joists.
Layering up our business to succeed is fundamental in what we are doing, watch this space for more developments in the future.