marginal gains

Marginal gains: evolving to meet customer demand

At TimberStruc we continue to work on developing our business and its infrastructure to allow us to continue growing and servicing our valued customers.

The starting point has been giving the business the tools and systems to work with and we now move forwards looking at how we can make efficiency and service gains through small improvements in the factory, the yard and our offices.

Using the ‘marginal gains’ approach, we are focused on making small incremental improvements in our processes, which when added together make a significant improvement.

The growth we have seen over the last 2 ½ years has been staggering and without this approach of continually looking to improve, adapt and change we would not have been able to deliver for our customers.

It’s not always about large financial expenditures, but more so about the results that smaller, strategic investments can bring to the business.

Example of our marginal gains investments so far:

This year, we have been able to make several investments to help us prioritise our key aims for organization and company development, with storage and equipment additions that will be an advantage to our whole team:

Truss Stillages:

Our truss stillages have given us the flexibility we needed to allow us to use our yard space in different ways and accommodate the different shapes and sizes of product that we manufacture.

Before we had the stillages we had to work with fixed locations for storing our finished roof trusses which meant that at times of peak demand we were restricted in how we could use our yard space. The stillages have opened up the yard to us and give us better options to allow us to manufacture ahead without creating bottlenecks in the yard.

We do look to operate on a JIT service, but as we all know with construction there are times when the best laid plans do not work out and jobs slip. The flexibility we are creating helps us to manage this without impacting on our customers.

Air lines:

In our factory we have added additional air lines to 3 of our work areas, which has given us a manufacturing flexibility we did not have before.

These additional air lines mean that our work cells are able to use different tooling and undertake more of the processing required without having to move materials around the factory unnecessarily. Reducing the number of times we handle and move our materials and products gives us efficiency gains, freeing up time and capacity for additional manufacturing.

Additional outdoor storage:

We are currently in the process of reviewing how we store our bulk materials and are working on a racking solution that will free up even more space in the yard. This will be a significant investment for the business and we look forward to sharing the end result with you over the coming months

How will these changes benefit our company and customers?

By prioritising and delivering on our company development goals, we are showing our customers and employees that we are more than just words.

As our business continues to grow, we will carry on with the marginal gains approach and work towards creating a better business that can continually deliver on its service commitments.


If you’d like to hear more information regarding our services, be sure to get in touch with us today.

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