Timber Frame Structures

Why use timber frame structures rather than building blocks?

Building in timber frame is uncommon in the UK compared to blocks, with a report conducted by the Forestry Commission finding that only 25% of all new housing uses timber frame construction across the UK.

This is because timber is susceptible to rot. However, rot is a mute issue when timber is pressure-treated and not exposed to water.

Timber has several advantages over blocks, the main one being time, with timber frames taking a third of the time to construct. Additionally, timber is sustainable and renewable, making sense for eco-friendly builds.

Here’s why you should use timber frame structures rather than blocks:

Speed of build

Timber frames are pre-built and delivered on-site. Following the build of a solid foundation, the frame only needs assembling and securing into place.

Ease of construction means timber frames take around a third of the time to construct, resulting in large cost savings. While it can take one month to build a house with brick and mortar, it takes only a few days with a timber frame.

Cost efficiencies

While the cost of timber is lower than blocks by only a little, timber prices are more stable, so you know what you are doing to get.

Additionally, you must factor in savings from labour times and ease of constitution, with timber frames requiring less work and expertise. If you have a housebuilding project with a tight budget, a timber frame is for you.


More home builders are moving to timber frame construction because timber is sustainable and renewable with a trackable carbon footprint.

Timber has the lowest embodied CO2 of any building material, and you can source varieties endorsed by sustainability alliances. Timber is also fully recyclable, and in many cases, it is reused at the end of its life.

Easy to maintain

While timber is less robust than block, it is easier to replace and repair. Timber frames can be mended in a multitude of ways cost-effectively.

The big risk with timber frame structures is rot from fungi (wet rot/dry rot) or infestation by wood-boring beetles (woodworm). Both issues are caused by high moisture content in the timber, so any suitably dry timber has no issues.

Find out more

To find out more, give us a call or fill out the form on our contact page, and we will get back to you. Alternatively, email your plans for review and pricing to: info@timberstruc.co.uk.

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